Business Spend Management: Full visibility, better control

Organizations mainly focus on the sales side of the company. After all, the more you sell, the more revenue you generate. However, for a top-performing company, spending is equally important; you want to have visibility and control over your spending to achieve accurate, measurable value and savings that drive profitability. Do you have control and insight over the expenditures in the organization? Thanks to a partnership between Dynatos and Coupa, we can help you with that.

We have noticed an increasing appetite to streamline all facets of the organization. An essential part is ‘Business Spend Management’ (BSM), which is not always easy and requires much time and resources. That is why smart software solutions are gaining traction, helping with Business Spend Management. Not surprisingly, clear insight into your spending lays the foundation for future strategic plans. We also have seen this growth in solutions. That is why we at Dynatos are very proud to partner with Coupa, the leading provider of Business Spend Management solutions in the market.

Why Coupa?

There are various reasons why we have opted for a partnership with Coupa. First, Coupa is a fully native cloud-based platform. That makes it fast, stable, and accessible, making it easy to integrate it with our other solutions, such as ReadSoft Online.

What may be even more important is what Coupa does: Coupa offers a comprehensive, cloud-based BSM platform that has connected hundreds of organizations with more than four million suppliers globally. Coupa’s platform provides greater visibility and control over how companies spend money. Coupa bundles all relevant processes into a single platform: Procurement, Source to Pay, travel- and other expenses, payments, supplier management, invoicing, and compliance. Because all the processes are via this one platform, automating them is easier.

In addition, with more than $1.5 trillion of cumulative spend under management, Coupa is leveraging the BSM community’s wisdom and the latest in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to deliver real-time prescriptive insights and benchmarks to customers. It even provides recommendations on how to save on costs and shares insight into spending patterns.

And last but not least, the Coupa platform can analyze the optimizations that were made and provide in-depth reports about the actual realized savings. All these factors will help you regain control over your spending.

More insight, less time

As with invoicing, at Dynatos, we find it essential to provide solutions to help manage organizations’ spending. If our solutions give more insights into processes and statistics and can automate repetitive tasks, the employees will have more time to make crucial decisions and perform tasks that will benefit the company’s growth. Coupa’s Business Spend Management solution is an excellent example of that. It makes managing business spending easier and more efficient and gives business units more accurate insights.

If you have questions about how Coupa can help you with your Business Spend Management, do not hesitate, and contact us.

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