Mohamed Bagragui: “The why‑question is the best question”

Empowering people.
A group of five people sit side by side in a professional setting, engaged in an empowering conversation. One man in the center, wearing a white shirt, is smiling and looking at the man next to him. The others are listening attentively. Business attire and conference badges are visible.

Mohamed Bagragui believes in the power of coffee breaks. It’s not the caffeine he’s interested in. The Dynatos consultant believes these 10-minute intermezzos between meetings are essential to form a base for mutual connection and understanding. Mohamed explains, ‘In order to achieve sustainable results, it is key to reduce the distance between people and organizations.’

Starting out personal

When Mohamed pays your organization a visit, that is for a reason: to solve problems. As a consultant, he maps out processes and identifies issues that prohibit the desired outcomes or hinder optimal efficiency. To Mohamed, consulting equals helping. That is exactly what inspired him to start this position in 2017: ‘I started working immediately after graduating from my masters at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. No gap year for me: I wanted to experience the professional life. While working for a financial deployment agency in Rotterdam, I met a senior consultant from Dynatos. He was doing a project there. We connected over the interesting plans he was working on. That sounded like something I’d want to do, I thought. Luckily, Dynatos was hiring.’ Mohamed says this connection and inspiration are still there today. ‘We work in small teams, which allows a personal approach. Every office door is open, and there’s always room for banter or a quick question. Employees know each other and share the same goal: to enhance processes.’

Mohamed says his job starts with asking questions. ‘What do we have now? And where do we want to go? Sparking conversation by asking the right questions helps me gain all the necessary information. The more others talk, the more I learn.’

Keeping in touch

This applies to business and personal topics of conversation. Mohamed always tries to uncover what drives and interests someone. ‘It’s important to eliminate barriers between people and their ideas,’ he says. ‘Any conversation starts with mutual interests. I like football. It’s important to stress there’s more than business: we’re all people.’

Any conversation starts with mutual interests.Sometimes, such conversations occur in meeting rooms; other times, Mohamed finds himself visiting Vietnam for his job to oversee processes or touring a huge shipbuilder factory to get a feeling for the client. Once the tour is over and the process is clear-cut, moving forward is key. ‘We implement what is needed, transfer knowledge in training, and start a testing cycle. We offer continued support and evaluation,’ Mohammed adds. ‘However, the end of a project doesn’t necessarily mean the end of our contact. I’m always available for follow-ups. Our contact stays warm: I was even invited to a client’s retirement party.’

Finding common ground

Not everyone is always favorable to new ways of working. What happens when change is met with resistance? ‘The why question is the best question!’ Mohamed laughs. Convincing skeptics is the interesting part of the job. I noticed a difference in the compliance process when I traveled to Vietnam. This financial department’s people were technically skilled and eager to learn. I only had to demonstrate the new process once.’

Mohamed explains that the implementation process in the Netherlands can be different. ‘Some are not looking to improve. They don’t have the time or don’t see the need. Starting out, new processes require flexibility. You have to get used to new buttons, systems and flows. But eventually, the advantages become noticeable. The bottom line is: we are here to help you move forward, not backward.’

We are here to help you move forward, not backward. How do you go from skepticism to enthusiasm? ‘I think it’s all about bridging the gap. This requires empathy. The key is to listen and find common ground. You can’t force change. You have to work together. Once you can prove your idea adds value, change is met with open arms.’

When asked where he wants to go, Mohamed doesn’t hesitate: ‘Towards more automation! Too often, I’m surprised by how much financial processes still go by hand. Things could be so much easier and faster. As an innovative country, I think we fall behind in invoice processing. That’s what I want to change: raising awareness and finding solutions. The goal is automatization.’

Curious about what that means for your organization? Contact us and find out.

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