Spreading e-Invoicing in Belgium

Digitalization is not a “nice-to-have” anymore; it is the mindset that drives the new normal.

Organizations have prioritized the digitization of processes and services to respond faster to the new way of working. Unfortunately, it’s not enough. Some companies lack the technical and financial capabilities to respond at the same pace.

The Government and private organizations are taking an active role in the solution by implementing projects and initiatives that unite experts and key stakeholders to encourage all Belgian companies to join this digital trend.


In partnership with Codabox, Dynatos participates in the Digicrowd initiative. This project unites main Belgian service providers, e-Invoicing partners, and Accounting software partners to enable the uptake of e-Invoicing in Belgium via the PEPPOL network. The purpose is to increase the number of members in the network, providing the guarantee of a centralized flow of all e-invoices at no extra software cost.

The goal: 100,000 companies completing their digital mailbox with electronic invoices! How will that be possible?

Read more about Digicrowd.


We also participate in the Hermes project, founded by BOSA (Belgian Government). From now on, all companies registered on the PEPPOL network can send e-invoices to their Belgian customers, regardless of their e-invoicing capabilities. Thanks to the Hermes platform, e-invoices will be converted to PDF documents. One obstacle less in the spreading of e-Invoicing in Belgium!

Read more about the Hermes project

Join PEPPOL’s network and send e-invoices to all your customers in the short term.

Contact our e-Invoicing and Compliance expert Nele Janssens, and she will help you right away.

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