Strategic advisory

Optimize your finance and procurement processes effectively and efficiently.

With Dynatos Consulting, we can help you through your entire finance and procurement optimization process – from setting up your installation, implementing applications, and providing additional proactive services to ensure your software solutions are working effectively and efficiently.

Shape strategic elements

With the objective of assisting organizations in their finance and procurement perfection journey, the Dynatos Services catalog offers a comprehensive collection of solutions. This catalog has developed over time from our extensive experience with hundreds of international customers.

Additionally, Dynatos Advisory collaborates with customers to shape strategic elements related to their business processes. This ensures adoption and success throughout your perfection journey. Moreover, our highly trained Advisory Consultants augment your company’s internal resources. They provide superior levels of expertise and personal attention from a dedicated specialist team.

You can purchase our service offerings in a stand-alone a la carte model. Alternatively, you can opt for them as part of a packaged long-term strategy.

Some well-known Dynatos Advisory services:

  • Process Value Scan
  • Savings Discovery
  • Supplier and customer Onboarding Strategy

Process Value Scan

The Process Value Scan will provide insights into your actual business related processes based on measurable data and information from different business process stakeholders. Based on the study results, we will formulate to-be requirements and potential optimizations and assess the priorities in the potential value and implementation complexity.

Saving Discovery

Increased negotiated savings, control of indirect spending & compliance in the Source-to-Pay process can lead to massive, demonstrable savings. Based on your company’s key figures, the Savings Discovery quantifies achievable efficiency and effectiveness savings.

Supplier and customer Onboarding Strategy

A thoughtful supplier and customer onboarding strategy and a well-organized campaign are key success factors in every AP or AR optimization project. At Dynatos, we’ve developed a method to help you get your suppliers and customers on board and processing transactions as automated as possible.

Our strategic advisory services involve the data collection, analysis, solution design, implementation improvements and periodic monitoring to enable continuous process optimization.